The chemistry is right here
Plant design solution for the oil, gas and chemical industries
Transparent, standard-compliant, international: AUCOTEC's engineering software offers highly efficient solutions for process engineering, basic and detail engineering as well as for plant operation, service and revamping.
Transparent data management over all engineering phases together with standard-compliant and internationally applicable content are a matter of course for AUCOTEC - and are a real benefit in terms of time and quality for users!

- Concept phase.
- Process engineering.
- Instrumentation.
- Control engineering design.
- Electrical engineering.
- Maintenance.
- Revamping.
Your special challenges
- Strong emphasis in the field of process specification (process engineering).
- Internationally distributed plant engineering.
- Highly parallel procedure for distributed engineering resources and contractors.
- The projects must support the standards and regulations that are in force in the target countries.
- In plant design, efficient cooperation and control (change management) is necessary among the collaborating disciplines.
- In existing plants, up-to-date data and documents are required for day-to-day servicing and simultaneous planning of revamping measures.
The optimum process
- EB is the ideal cooperation platform due to its central database and for local and remote clients because of its scalable architecture.
- Consistent solution modules from the concept phase onwards, integration of process simulation, PFD/P&ID, 3D integration, ISA/IEC specification, EI&C engineering and control system planning, right through to energy supply and connection to the grids with a single comprehensive data model.
- A field device configuration and procurement process.
- Use of versioning and revision technology gives full control over modifications and their impacts.
- For the integration of subcontractors, comprehensive import and export tools for engineering data with full change control are available.
- Special solution for parallel working in the as-built condition and revamping projects with intelligent information comparison.
- Effective and simple maintenance tools for the support of service and revamping.

Embedded in your company IT system
- Integration of process simulation programs with bidirectional data link.
- 3D integration for a bidirectional data link between systems.
- SAP link for the maintenance and service organisation.
- Open API for integration, for example, in in-house document management and maintenance systems.
- Easy Office integration for easy data exchange without proprietary interfaces.
- Integration with the planning systems of the control engineering manufacturers for the generation of program code and hardware design.