Certainly efficient
Engineering software facilitates systems engineering in defence
Consistent, systematic, secure: AUCOTEC's harness design software offers advanced systems engineering. From the abstract functional structure via the physical block level to the detailed circuit diagram and to harness design and manufacturing.
The integrative solution is highly efficient and ideal for collaborative work processes - the central database and the unique change management ensure consistency, transparency and high quality.

- Functional block diagram.
- Physical block diagram.
- Wiring diagram.
- Wiring harness design.
The special challenges
- Enormous complexity of the systems that are developed in cooperation with highly specialised suppliers of sub-systems.
- Extreme time pressure and absolutely essential quality requirements at the same time - errors can have fatal consequences when using the systems.
- Highly parallel procedure for in-house engineering resources and sub-system suppliers.
- Comprehensibility and audit compliance over all design steps.
- Restrictive handling of access rights and confidentiality at all times, despite the many participants in the process.
The optimum process
- Engineering Base (EB) as an ideal cooperation platform: central database for local and globally distributed clients, and scalable architecture.
- Extremely consistent top-down approach from the functional block diagram via physical block diagrams to detail planning on only one comprehensive data model.
- Intelligent integration of sub-systems via their interfaces while maintaining different access rights.
- The user determines the work method, and not the tool: flexible combination of alphanumeric and graphic editing.
- Very wide range of solutions up to wiring harness manufacturing.
- Full control of changes and their impact due to unique tracking and revision technology.
- Full control of changes and their impact due to unique tracking and revision technology.
- The extraordinary openness of EB allows flexible configuration for different requirements without having to customize software.

Embedded in your company IT system
- Open API for integration, for example, in in-house document management and configuration systems.
- The closest possible link to leading 3D systems for assigning installation space and installing wiring harness with full change control.