- Suitable for any vessel or offshore unit.
- Single DB or Single Tool from Concept Design to Operation.
- Developed by Shipdesigners.
- The intelligent tool for ship design and production.
- FORAN's system has been in the market for the past 60 years as a reference system for the CAD design ship around the world.
- It is the leading 3D Vessel design software available.

Why is FORAN the right tool?
- 100% integrity of disciplines: 1 Single Database for the complete project. Exhaustive & Integrated environments.
- Based on Oracle, Easy & Open, FORAN do not work with external files. Time saving on Design task. This is a real on-line design between engineers.
- We cover ALL stages of Ship Design, seamless continuity: Basic to Detail and Production.
- Same environment for all disciplines what makes easier to learn, design & work with FORAN.
- Powerful early design tool, one of the most compromised stages in cost.
- Fast Creation of 3D model based on 2D. Reduce man hours, reduce the errors and improve production by automatic outputs.
- Proven collaborative Engineering. Aks to our major big costumers!
- Easy Exchange of data. FORAN export and Import using standard formats (.iges/step/xml/dwg/dxf…) FORAN reuse the 100% of its legacy data and a big percentage from external software.
And FORAN v80 is the only Ship Design solution that allows to go from design to build in a single data model.

What makes of FORAN the leading tool in Shipbuilding?
- Reducing design man‐hours, enhancing the design quality and improving production efficiency.
- Seamless continuity between the basic and the detail stages of the design MATURITY.
- Homogeneous development of all its modules and high level of concurrent engineering.
- Integration of the entire range of ship design disciplines : Hull Forms, General Arrangement, Naval Architecture, Outfitting, Structure and Electrical.
- 3D product model as the single source of all data.